Our congregation is committed to mission and outreach in the local community and beyond. We have an Outreach Committee which leads, plans, and organizes, as well as many others from our church family who participate and serve.
Whether it is honoring and supporting veterans in several ways throughout the year, sponsoring and providing a dinner and dance for special needs individuals, ministering to shut-ins, supporting college students, supporting our youth and children's ministries, serving at a local soup kitchen, working the strawberry festival, helping organize, prepare and working church booths for First Wednesday in Wintersville, serving as a main collection point for Operation Christmas Child and donating over 150 shoeboxes from WMC, decorating the church facilities for special occasions, leading the WMC Wintersville Christmas parade effort, supporting Wintersville Good Neighbors in a major way, and serving in other ways around the church and in the community, our Outreach Committee and others do so in a spirit of Christian love, compassion and hope to the world around us.
Others are always welcome to join in!
For more information about our outreach, please feel free to contact the church secretary at 740.264.1676 or church@wintersvillemc.com. She'll be happy to provide you with all the details you need and help you find the right ministry for you.